Dr. McNerney is an independent consultant, working to improve teaching and administrative efficiency in higher education institutions. Using his extensive experience from the private sector, both in finance and as a private entrepreneur, he has served as an advisor to several universities—most recently, BRAC University in Bangladesh, the National University of Lesotho, the Afghanistan Education University, and the University of Duhoc in Iraq. As a visiting faculty member, he has taught courses in education leadership, evaluation, and planning at the Graduate School of Education at the American University in Cairo and at Kabul Education University. During his 14 years in development, he has led development projects funded by the World Bank, USAID, and the EU and done evaluations for ADB and national universities in Bangladesh, Lesotho, and Iraq. Dr. McNerney has worked on two projects for Partnership for Transparency, CARTA and PEACE, which involved the creation of grants programs in Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Nepal.