
PTF Representation at UNCAC CoSP10

Vinay Bhargava, Hady Fink, and Jillian Hess will be representing Partnership for Transparency (PTF) at the tenth session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP10) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in Atlanta from December 11 to 15, 2023. In addition, Hady will be giving a presentation entitled “Engaging Civil Society in the Fight against Corruption in the Health Sector” during the December 9th and 10th pre-conference Anti-Corruption Academic Symposium and Vinay and Jillian will be participating in the inaugural Anti-Corruption Civil Society Forum on December 10th.

PTF prepared a written statement on “Increasing the Role of Civil Society in Combating Corruption in Development Assistance”, as well as a pamphlet about PTF’s current initiatives. Copies of these will be made available at the conference. If you are interested in meeting with PTF’s representatives in Atlanta, please send an email to or