
Fourth Edition: Monitoring Moldova’s Public Procurement

Monitoring Moldova’s Public Procurement is a series of newsletters designed to share information and increase transparency around public procurement in the Republic of Moldova. 

The February 2022 issue of Monitoring Moldova’s Public Procurement details the role and impact of integrity pacts, how the salary of construction workers in public works procurement is calculated, challenges of the Mtender system, and other interesting articles.

Access the full newsletter here.

The issue also includes: 

NEWS: The public procurement system evaluation report according to World Bank’s MAPS methodology was publicly presented

ANNOUNCEMENT: IDIS “Viitorul” announces availability of grants for civil society in the field of public procurement monitoring

LEGISLATIVE NEWS: Violations in the procurement process are sanctioned, but not adjusted to current legislation

TRANSPARENCY: The public procurement information portal of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova was launched –

PUBLIC POLICIES: Government priorities in the field of public procurement in 2022

PROCUREMENTS OF WORKS: How the salary of construction workers is calculated within the procedures for public procurement of works

OPINION:  Wayne Wittig “Integrity Pacts: Just the Facts”

ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT: Electronic procurement: news and the future of the MTender electronic system

RED FLAGS: Red flags in the public procurement of the Transport Department

More information can be found in the full version of the newsletter.

This newsletter was produced within the context of the joint PTF and IDIS Increasing the Integrity of Public Procurement in Moldova project.

The views expressed in the articles, which were written by IDIS, are solely those of the individuals quoted and do not necessarily reflect the official policies of PTF.

For project updates, follow PTF and IDIS on Twitter @PTFund / @IDIS_Viitorul and Facebook at Partnership for Transparency / Achizitii Moldova.