
Evaluation of “Citizens Against Corruption” Program

John Clark, an international development consultant, former civil society activist and adviser to former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, was commissioned by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), and by the World Bank to evaluate PTF supported projects supported by our “Citizens Against Corruption” and “Good Governance: Community ......

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Waging War on Corruption: Inside the Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power

In Waging War on Corruption: Inside the Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power, Frank Vogl (PTF Vice-Chair), one of the leaders of the worldwide anti-corruption movement, shares a history filled with stories of heroes and victims of corruption. He chronicles the successful campaigns by enormously courageous civil society activists, journalists,…...

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Using Media to Fight Corruption

The media—traditional mass media as well as new technologies—can play a vital role in unveiling corruption, framing corruption as public problem, suggesting solutions, and generally empower citizens to fight corruption. This paper provides an overview of the basic principles of media effects and presents specific techniques involving the media in…...

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Strategies for Empowering Communities to Demand Good Governance and Seek Increased Effectiveness of Public Service Delivery

This paper provides readers with the basic idea of how demand for good governance (DFGG) strategies, in particular social accountability (SA) strategies, can be employed to help citizens demand greater authority responsiveness and thereby enhance their living conditions....

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Independent Assessment of PTF’s Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) Program

PRIA Global Partnership has evaluated the performance of PTF projects in India. The report shows a comparative picture of the 12 CAC projects in the states of Karnataka, Kerala and Orissa based on the assessment of their performance at the end of the project period. Most of the projects dealt…...

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Diagnosing Public Sector Corruption & Implementing Anti Corruption Programs: A Framework for Practitioners

This paper introduces an analytical framework to consider the overall environment and strategic parameters that underlie a specific instance of corruption so as to logically and specifically tailor their project towards achieving the best impact possible....

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CSOs Fighting for Integrity: Increasing the capacity of CSOs to help citizens raise funds, measure and communicate results in a sustainable manner

CSOs often struggle to balance their vision and declared goals with the necessary financial security to carry out activities as needed over a prolonged period of time. This paper provides a checklist for CSOs to self-evaluate their actions, aspirations and assumptions against common problems encountered and offers entry points to…...

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DFID Review of PTF: Innovative Support to Civil Society in Fighting Corruption

The UK’s Department for International Development has released a mid-term review of PTF’s Citizens Against Corruption (CAC) programme, which is supported by DfID’s Governance and Transparency Fund (GTF). The report stated that PTF “is able to point to specific reforms triggered by the projects. This is partly due to the…...

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Fighting Corruption and Promoting Transparency in the Public Sector An Independent Evaluation of the Partnership for Transparency Fund

This 2008 evaluation by Catherine Gwin & Sylvia Soborio finds that PTF is a highly valuable and effective mechanism for support of small-scale civil society efforts to fight corruption and promote greater transparency and accountability in government. As an international NGO, it is well placed to provide support that is independent of vested…...

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An Evaluation of the Partnership for Transparency Fund (2000 – 2004)

This report prepared at the request of UNDP by Alexander Shakow suggests that PTF is an extremely valuable and effective instrument for support of small but important anti-corruption projects....

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